Justice Innovation

Podcast series presented by ICCLR

Justice Innovation is a podcast series presented by the International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy where we explore insights and innovations in human rights and criminal justice.

The Camp Trapping Aboriginal Program with Sam Ens

13 Apr, 2022

An interview with Sam Ens, Provincial Manager of Diversion and Early Intervention at the BC First Nations Justice Council and former Executive Director of Camp Trapping, where we discuss the history and the philosophy of Camp Trapping an Aboriginal therapeutic program based in Prince George BC for male young offenders. This program is based on the Medicine Wheel and supports healing while addressing the areas of spiritual, emotional, mental and physical well-being with a holistic approach to cultural service provision.

Holding Space for Indigenous Youth with Debbie Scarborough

28 Sep, 2021

An interview with Debbie Scarborough, Provincial Manager of Women and Children at the BC First Nations Justice Council, where we discuss what it means to hold space for the voices of Indigenous youth, how Gladue services and reports can best support justice-involved Indigenous youth and what can be done to build resiliency among Indigenous youth.