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Asset Forfeiture Conference – Save the Date

On June 17-18, 2025, the Vancouver Anti-Corruption Institute will host our third major international event: the 2025 Conference on Asset Forfeiture. This follows from our successful previous conferences on Whistleblowers and Public Integrity (2022) and Combatting Crypto Crime (2023). Chaired by the Right Honourable Kim Campbell, former Prime Minister of Canada, the conference will focus on key issues associated with asset forfeiture as a tool to target wealth acquired unlawfully, including:

  • The growing significance of asset forfeiture in light of the 2025-26 Financial Action Task Force (FATF) examination of Canada
  • The inclusion of civil forfeiture in the FATF Recommendations
  • British Columbia’s leadership in civil forfeiture, with other provinces engaged at varying levels
  • Criminal forfeiture practices in Ontario and other jurisdictions
  • The adoption of Unexplained Wealth Orders (UWOs) in British Columbia and Manitoba and their implications
  • The increasing role of civil litigation in pursuing illegally acquired assets

The conference is designed for a national and international audience, including law enforcement, prosecutors, asset managers, civil forfeiture practitioners, legal professionals in both criminal and civil law, academics, and other professionals working in financial crime enforcement and asset recovery.

Conference pricing: The early bird rate for the conference is $350 plus applicable taxes until May 1, 2025. After this date, the cost of the conference is $399 plus applicable taxes. This includes a light breakfast, coffee breaks, lunch, reception and dinner for the two-day conference.

Conference venue: The conference hotel is the Fairmont Hotel, in the heart of downtown Vancouver. It is a short walk from renowned Stanley Park, art galleries, world-class museums, boutiques, and Vancouver’s finest restaurants.

For more information, please contact the Vancouver Anti-Corruption Institute.


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