Human Rights in Business: Removal of Barriers to Access to Justice in the European Union


January 1, 2017


Juan José Álvarez Rubio, Katerina Yiannibas




Access to Justice / Justice Efficiency

Human Rights in Business: Removal of Barriers to Access to Justice in the European Union

The project commenced in September 2014 and over the course of two years the consortium conducted research along four specifi c lines in parallel with various training sessions across EU Member States. The research conducted focused primarily on judicial remedies, both jurisdictional barriers and applicable law barriers; non-judicial remedies, both to companybased grievance. The results of this research endeavour make up the content of this report whose aim is to provide a scholarly foundation for policy proposals by identifying specific challenges relevant to access to justice in the European Union and to provide recommendations on how to remove legal and practical barriers so as to provide access to remedy for victims of business-related human
rights abuses in non-EU states.


Juan José Álvarez Rubio

Katerina Yiannibas

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