Gender Equality and Inclusive Growth: Economic Policies to Achieve Sustainable Development


January 1, 2019


UN Women




Gender-Based Violence + Violence Against Children

Gender Equality and Inclusive Growth: Economic Policies to Achieve Sustainable Development

This publication makes a compelling argument that economic growth is an inherently gendered process and that gender-based inequalities can, in fact, be barriers to shared prosperity. The book argues that for growth to be truly inclusive and gender-equitable, the pattern of growth must create decent work and productive employment opportunities for women and men. This would require policymakers to adopt human rights as a guiding normative framework and to rethink the role of macro-level economic policies, including trade, industrial, macroeconomic, finance, and investment policies. The book highlights the importance of addressing unpaid care and domestic work and calls for a transformative approach that recognizes and values care work.


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