March 1, 1999
Drugs and Human Security in the Americas – Experts Meeting (Final Report)
Drugs and Human Security in the Americas - Experts Meeting (Final Report)
March 1, 1999
Prof. Yvon Dandurand
Drugs and Human Security in the Americas - Experts Meeting (Final Report)
The Expert Group Meeting on Drugs and Human Security in the Americas brought together 100 experts, practitioners, academics, and government representatives from twenty eight countries of the Hemisphere. The group of experts was invited to consider the relationship between the complex drug issues of the Americas and the broad human security and good governance agenda of the region. It was asked to attempt to delineate some of the links that exist between issues such as human security, good governance, alternative development and trade, transnational crime including trafficking in firearms, money laundering and broad based corruption, education and health, and the vital role that can be played by communities of the Americas in limiting the harm resulting from the consumption of, and the trade in, illicit drugs. The group of experts was also invited to offer concrete and realistic suggestions for a fruitful dialogue by Foreign Ministers of the region on measures which could complement and enhance current international and regional anti-drug efforts.