Checklist of Implementation Considerations and Examples: Relating to the Rome Statute and the Rules of Procedure & Evidence


April 1, 2002


Daniel Préfontaine, KC, Joanne Lee, Rod Jensen





Checklist of Implementation Considerations and Examples: Relating to the Rome Statute and the Rules of Procedure & Evidence

This Checklist is intended for all those who may be involved in implementing the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and the Rules of Procedure & Evidence for the Court. It provides a summary and overview of material contained in two documents that International Center for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy has produced: “International Criminal Court Manual for the Implementation of the Rome Statute” and “International Criminal Court Rules of Procedure & Evidence – Implementation Considerations”. Together, those two documents provide comprehensive details of State Party obligations under the Rome Statute, and other implementation considerations pertaining to both the Rome Statute and the RPE. Readers should refer to both of those documents for more details on the implementation considerations outlined in this Checklist. In addition, this Checklist provides references to relevant examples of implementing legislation from a wide range of jurisdictions.


Daniel Préfontaine, KC

Senior Associate Emeritus


Joanne Lee

Rod Jensen

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