Article 13 (B): Intentionally Left Unresolved by the Rome Statue? An On-the-spot Focus On Darfur's Situation


February 1, 2007


Professor Jianqiang Song





Article 13 (B): Intentionally Left Unresolved by the Rome Statue? An On-the-spot Focus On Darfur's Situation

There have been numerous ambiguities and loopholes on certain crucial issues in the Rome Statute, including the one stipulated in Article 13 (b). The International Criminal Court (ICC) has admitted four cases, and among them only the Darfur case was referred by the UN Security Council. Debates have existed throughout the normative interpretations of the Article, including the intention approach of interpretations. While facing the volatile facts, all these interpretations turn vague. Why does the UN Security Council refer the case? What on earth are the big powers’ intentions? How does the ICC Prosecutor operate? How does the academia evaluate the case? Is the Darfur case a progress or a setback? This article presents some interesting observations.


Professor Jianqiang Song

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