An Exploration of Promising Practices in Response to Human Trafficking in Canada


May 1, 2010


Prof. Nicole Barrett




Gender-Based Violence + Violence Against Children

An Exploration of Promising Practices in Response to Human Trafficking in Canada

This report was commissioned by the Government of Manitoba on behalf of the Federal-Provincial-Territorial (“FPT”) Forum of Senior Officials responsible for the Status of Women. Its purpose is to identify and explore promising practices focused on human trafficking prevention and victim support that could be considered by Canadian Federal/Provincial/Territorial (“FPT”) governments to better address human trafficking in Canada. The report has three parts. The first part discusses the legal and sociological context required to understand human trafficking issues as they relate to prevention and victim services. The second section explores promising practices in human trafficking prevention and victim services while the third offers brief conclusions and recommendations on the practices presented.


Prof. Nicole Barrett

Peter A. Allard School of Law

The University of British Columbia Representative


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