Ruth Montgomery
Senior Associate
Ruth is a justice and policing strategy and engagement specialist, whose work focuses on strategy development, risk management, stakeholder engagement, cross-sector partnership, and integration of gender, equity, inclusion and human rights.
She works nationally and internationally with organizations and individuals to find common ground adaptable to a range of cultural and geographic contexts through research and assessment, engagement of individual and organizational stakeholders, development of policies, guidelines and practices, and facilitation and educational programming.
Internationally Ruth has worked with UNWomen, UNDP, UNODC, OSCE, ODIHR, the American Bar Association, Institute of Public Administration (Canada), Coffey International Development (UK), the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, and the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Nationally she has worked with Status of Women Canada, the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, provincial and local governments, justice services organizations, and police agencies.
Ruth is a former police Superintendent. She holds an MA in Criminal Justice.