ICCLR in partnership with ISPAC and UNAFEI is pleased to organize the PNI Workshop for the 33rd Session of the UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice on May 13, 2024 in Vienna. The PNI Workshop will be focused on  “Promoting international cooperation and technical assistance to prevent and address organized crime, corruption, terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and other forms of crime, including in the areas of extradition, mutual legal assistance and asset recovery”.

Programme for the PNI Workshop

Chair: Dr. Peter German, President and Executive Director, ICCLR

Opening: John Brandolino, Director of the Division for Treaty Affairs, UNODC and ICCLR Board member

1)      Extradition, MLA, law enforcement cooperation: issues, challenges, good practices

  • Andrew Munanura Karokora, Legal & Training Consultant, UNAFRI
  • Karla Kincade, Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Canadian representative at the International Anti-Corruption Coordination Centre IACCC. Chair of Women Against Transnational Corruption Hub (WATCH)

2)      Technical assistance for authorities involved in international cooperation in criminal matters, including MLA and asset recovery, to combat organized crime, corruption and terrorism

  • Gail Malone, Director, Programmatic Unit, IIJ
  • James Shaw, Senior Legal Officer, UNICRI
  • Jonathan Spicer, Senior Specialist, Asset Recovery, BIG/ICAR

3)      The role of private entities (banks and financial institutions) in international cooperation, MLA and asset recovery

  • Stefano Manacorda, Director, ISPAC
  • Jisun Choi, Research Fellow, Director of Division of International Affairs, KICJ, and Tae Youn Ku, Public Prosecutor seconded to KICJ
  • Peter Csonka, Deputy Director, directorate Justice Policies, DG JUSTICE, European Commission

View the PNI Workshop 2024 Flyer.

Photo by Dimitry Anikin on Unsplash.

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